Top Realtors in Asheville North Carolina
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Here’s an entertaining conversation with Patty and Ben Woolf, a married real estate team working in Asheville, North Carolina – THE place where everyone seems to want to be right now. In talking with host Cynthia Cummins, they cover lots of – literal and metaphorical – territory, while keeping it fun and congenial. You’ll love getting to know these “woolfs in sheep’s clothing”!
Why married couples make great Realtor teams
A favorite Oscar Wilde quote about San Francisco, with a twist!
Ben says “You buy the neighborhood” not the property
A career in education can be a good prerequisite for the Realtor job
Why you can’t do real estate part-time
You learn lots of crazy stuff while being a real estate agent
Septic systems, bloody refrigerators and “conveying” frogs
“Weird doesn’t care if you’ve been doing this for 20 years or 20 days.”
When you hear “it’s the principle of it” during a negotiation, better buckle up
“There’s no such thing as a real estate emergency” and why agents need time off
A joke: "There's no crying in estate sales!"
City real estate vs. rural real estate: There’s a big difference
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