Why You Don’t Need to Remodel Your Kitchen!

Hey there, dreamers! Got your head in the clouds, picturing that kitchen makeover that's going to transform your family life? Are you poring over magazines and websites for inspo and trends? Imagining quartz countertops, integrated hoods, trendy wallpaper, and terra cotta tile flooring? Hold up! Before you dive down the renovation rabbit hole, take a breather and tune into this episode. Fancy fixtures won't fix the heart of your home. Sometimes, the simplest (non-renovation) tweaks can bring the biggest and most sustainable results. Join Thais Harris and host Cynthia Cummins for a cozy chat about why your kitchen is more than a cooking space—it's the warm, beating heart of your household. Discover how to infuse it with all the love, nourishment, and comfort your family craves, no sledgehammer required!

🎯 Episode Highlights: • The kitchen is the modern-day hearth – the locus of living in our homes • Eating offers us three chances every day to practice mindfulness • If the Buddha Came to Dinner by Hale Sofia Schatz and Shira Shaiman https://www.amazon.com/If-Buddha-Came... • The 80/20 rule about mindfulness • Our kitchen is a place for difficult conversations • The kitchen has a gravitational pull on us • Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto https://www.amazon.com/Defense-Food-E... •Jeff Crump’s Earth to Table Every Day: Cooking with Good Ingredients Through the Seasons https://www.amazon.com/Earth-Table-Ev... • Don’t get too attached to the outcome; you might just discover “Scuffins” • Thais offers a list of simple changes you can make to enhance your experience of your kitchen and your home • We don’t need the “latest and greatest” in our kitchens • W. C. Fields said “I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.” • The Life Changing Power of Self Love, a mindfulness anthology to which Thais Harris contributed https://www.amazon.com/Life-Changing-... Featuring: Thais Harris and Cynthia Cummins


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